Friday, December 23, 2011

December Event Photos and Possible Style Change

So as I mentioned before, December is filled with fun lolita events.

December 9th was the Rune Boutique at Royal T.

Here's my Candy Treat coordinate:

I snagged Doki Doki stars! Their at the top left of my headbow.

Here I am with my friends Flora and Amy:

The event was a lot of fun. There were a ton of Lolitas there, and I got to see a lot of my friends. My boyfriend drove me there, which was really nice of him, considering I can't see at night. The wig I'm wearing is the same strawberries and cream blend from GLW that I wore at Little Tokyo during the Nisei meetup. I cut it up, and now I feel like it looks more feminine.

December 17th was the Christmas Meetup. I decided to wear Merry Making Party. 
This coordinate was thrown together because of the Milky Berry shoe problem.
I took the base wig of the pink x blue blend, and styled it into pigtails. I found a pepto bismal colored blouse at the thrift store a few days before, and it coordinated surprisingly well with the skirt. MMP has large pink cakes in the print, and the frosting in the cake matched the color of the blouse perfectly. The big pink bow on the side of the Toy Fantasy socks ended up matching with the pinks as well.

Suzanna and I. She makes all of her own lolita clothing!

My new friend Jenna! She's so cute and minty!

And here's a stupid derp shot of me testing out the coord: 

Now on to the fun stuff.
After seeing these photos and the ones from past meetups, I've decided that I'm not satisfied with the way I look in OTT lolita. It could be the way my face is photographing or something, maybe I'm not doing my makeup right? I currently use Mac Matchmaster foundation, and while it's great for everyday use, I feel like it doesn't photograph well. I'm considering trying Revlon photoready foundation for when I wear lolita. I've also been watching a lot of online tutorials about how to contour your face. I already know the basics of highlighting, but I'd like to start sculpting my cheekbones so that my face doesn't look as round in photographs (and in general) Also, I won't be buying anymore pastel wigs, because after seeing the Christmas photos, I've decided pastels look like crap on my skin tone. I've also decided to stop wearing detachable pigtail wigs, because of how unproportionate and sloppy they make my coordinates look. I may just switch to regular sweet lolita, as opposed to OTT.

With that in mind, I just purchased this wig from GLW:
GLW came out with the curly lolita bob line a few weeks ago. They had a Christmas sale so I decided to try out the bob. This wig will not coordinate with anything I currently own, but because I am toning down my style, it should fit with normal sweet outfits. I bought it in auburn because I really like how the color looks with my skin tone.

I'm a tad worried that this wig will make my face look too round, but we'll see. If it ends up looking good, I'm excited to try the other colors of this style. They have an adorable mint one.

Well, it'll be Christmas soon. Better start wrapping!

Edit 12/26: I look like Little Orphan Annie in the Auburn Rust Bob.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Milky Berry Mixup!

In my last post, I mentioned that I bought the wrong shoes for Milky Berry. Therefore, I have to go back and change a lot of my plans for the coordinate. 

I finally decided to buy my mint shoes during Bodyline's $1 shipping deal. These shoes came out to $34 shipped, so I thought I was getting a great deal. Here is a stock picture of the shoes I got, the mine are on the far left under the yellow ones. 

Here's my photo of the shoes, please pardon my crappy picture as I use the webcam on my mac. 
The problem with these shoes is that they are lime green. You can't really see it in the picture, but the color is terrible looking.  They aren't the nice mint color that Milky Berry is. They do not coordinate with the outfit at all. 

I decided that I needed a new pair of shoes and quick, being that the Christmas meet is less than a month away. Luckily, Bodyline's shipping promotion was good all of November, so I broke down and bought 
red shoes. 
I figured if I was going to go against my original coordinate plan of mint shoes, I may as well buy them in a style that I love. I bought the red RHS in the top right. 

So that leaves me with the question of mint at the bottom of the coord. With my Berry Berry socks and my red shoes, I have jack shit for mint towards the bottom, leaving me with an unbalanced coordinate. Luckily, thanks to etsy, I was able to find some beautiful, felt shoe clips in the perfect color. I should be able to remove the red ribbons from the RHS, and clip these on. While small, these clips should hopefully balance out the red and mint. I am also considering gluing on some pretty crystals to make these stand out a bit more. 

Now for some other junk I've added to the Milky Berry coordinate. 

I recently bought this cardigan on the egl sales. I am planning on altering the sleeves so they are not flared. I may change out the ribbons too, as they are a little frayed (the cardigan is used)  I may also have to take it in a bit, but I'll decide as soon as I get it. 

Of course, wearing an all red cardigan will offset the mint towards the top of the coord. Therefore, I am planning on buying some mint fluffy stars to attach to the cardigan.
Fluffy stars are wonderful, because they make great coordinate pieces. 

A few weeks ago, I bought an AP novelty necklace. It looks just like my pink Tokimeki, but it's a bit longer. I bought the red one in the middle. Turns out Angelic Pretty was giving these away during a promotion some time ago, which is why I got it for pretty cheap at about $30. <Normally Angelic Pretty jewelry is a hell of a lot more expensive than that> 
I also got some gold Chocomint stars in the same sale, which will go nicely with Milky Berry.

As for home made accessories, I am planning on making the following things:

1)  Large vanilla bean ice cream scoop ring with strawberry syrup 
2) Strawberry tart hair clip 
3) Red and white polka-dotted bows to match the bows in the print. 
4) Red wristcuffs 

Once I get a camera I'll be able to take pictures of all of the accessories I make for my coords. :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

December Plans

Righty O then. It's December already. There are a few things going on this month that I'm pretty excited about.

First, on December 9th, 6% Doki Doki will be in Los Angeles at Royal T. Royal T was where the first meet up I attended was. 6% is a fairy kei company, who specialize in crazy off the wall fashion. 
6% also carries the over the top sparkly star clips, and I'm hoping to be able to snag one or two. 
I'll hopefully be able to get these in blue, as I already have pink chocomint stars. Though I wouldn't mind getting both.
Candy is one of the themes of this event, therefore Candy Treat will be perfect for this. I hope I have enough time to make some new candy jewelry for the event.

The second event I'll be attending this month is a huge Christmas-time meetup. The meet is being organized by a couple of the local girls, and it is so huge that people from all over the state are attending. There is going to be a secret santa, tea, games, and lots of other crazy stuff. 
I'm going to wear Milky Berry to this event. I am scrambling to finish up this coordinate, I bought what I thought were mint shoes and they turned out to be lime green.  I'm also pretty busy getting my secret santa gift together. 
In addition to everything, I am also going to attempt to sell some of my cupcake charms during the swap meet. I'm planning on opening my "cupcake" shop after the new year, and want to see if lolitas would buy my product. Here's a quick example of some of my earlier work: 
I made these before I knew anything about jewelry binding, which is why the tops are just sticking out like they are. But my plan is to make 20 peppermint cupcakes, and test them out on the lolita community. The problem with selling such things to lolitas is that most of them know how to craft sweets. But most lolita cupcakes are just gobs of fake whipped cream with pearls and cabochons sticking out of them. Mine kind of look like the ones that moms bake for their kids birthday parties. I'm hoping the realistic look will give me some sort of competitive edge. We'll see, I'm not going to get my hopes up too much. More photos to come! 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

My hair is blonde. Dyed blonde.

After nearly 2 years of not touching my hair with any color, I finally got fed up with my natural hair color. So I bleached it.

Bleached the shit out of it. <It only took about 15 minuets to lighten to this color>

I stopped dying my hair in 2009 because I decided that I didn't want to adhere to societal standards of beauty (i.e: the typical "beautiful woman" in the media has platinum blonde hair) So I grew out my natural hair, but as of late I've realized why I dyed it in the first place. 

I now feel so much better about myself. I hated the way my natural hair looked like crap all the time, even when it was styled. The bleach changed the cellular structure of my hair shaft, so hopefully it'll keep styling better. I also picked up some gloss styling serum with the bleach. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

PMX 2011

Saturday was the big day. I finally got to wear my dream dress. It is just as spectacular as I thought.

Chelsea and I. We're both wearing Jewelry Jelly. 

Claudia and I, who is also wearing Jewelry Jelly 

These are the girls that I met in San. Diego over the summer! It was great seeing them again. 

And of course, my wonderful boyfriend, who drove me all the way down to LAX just so I could see my friends and parade around in my frills.

In general, I had a nice time at PMX. It was great seeing everyone again. However, there wasn't a lot to do. The Artists Alley only had about 10 vendors when I was there, and the Exhibitors Hall was tiny. GLW was there, which was pretty cool. Atelier Pierrot was there as well, but it's just not my style.
It only spent a fraction of what I thought I would, by buying a blue fuzzy star from Claudia and a black shooting star bow from my friend Judy. It's so cute, and reminds me of Dream Sky.

So December is going to be a pretty busy month, with 6% doki doki coming to Los Angeles. I'm thinking Candy Treat for that.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Circle Lens Review

Today I am going to review my circle lenses. I own 2 pairs, and have started wearing them on an every day basis.

I bought these specifically for lolita, but have found that they enhance my look so much, that they have turned into my normal beauty routine. I haven't started wearing them to work yet, but may start soon.

On to my reviews!

Lens #1: The Dolly Eye: puffy three tones in blue
size: unknown
I bought theses lenses from the They were my first pair of lenses.
Here's a photo of them worn in lolita:

Here's a photo of them worn normally:

Comfort: 4/5
I had a little bit of trouble putting them in at first, just because I was pretty inexperienced with contact lenses. They tend to dry out a little easy, but it can be easily dealt with by using eye drops specifically for contacts.
Price: 5/5
For $15 shipped, the price can't be beat.
Shipping: 2/5
While they did only cost $15 shipped for the contacts, it would have taken a really long time for them to get to me. I paid an extra $15 to expedite the shipping, because I needed them in time for PMX. Therefore, in total, I paid $30 for the contacts. Even with the expedited shipping,  it still took about 2 weeks for them to reach me.
Quality: 5/5
I've worn these several times now with no problems. I'm assuming they have a pretty long shelf life, though the website never specified. They are also beautiful and enhance the color of my eyes wonderfully.

Lens #2: Geo Circle Lenses: WTB83
size: 15MM
I bought these from Geo's facebook page.
Lolita picture:

Normal picture:

Comfort: 5/5
These are very easy to put in, and very comfortable for all day wear.
Price: 5/5
I got these for $30 shipped. Not bad for having such huge eye balls.
Shipping: 5/5
Shipping was included in the $30. They were coming from Canada, and got to me (Sothern California) within a week.
Quality: 5/5
I absolutely love these contacts. They make me look cartoon-ish.

So there you have it. My beloved circle lenses.

PMX is next week, and I finally get to wear Jewelry Jelly. I bought a new wig and a new pair of shoes, so I don't have to wear my stupid GLW blue x pink split and chunky ass an*tai*na duck shoes. Hopefully it ends up looking OK!  Stay tuned (non-existant readers) for pictures!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Victorian Mourning Tours Meet

Yesterday I attended my first meetup in a while. It was at the Heritage Square Museam, which is a little place off of the Pasadena Freeway with old Victorian Houses.  My boyfriend even came with me at the last minute, which was really nice of him!

There wasn't really a theme for the meetup, but since it was a meet geared towards victorian death etiquette I wore the only black brand I have.

I wore it in the sax version, so  I wouldn't have to plod around in my stupid blue RHS. I need to get rid of those!

Heres a shot of the group. My boyfriend was kind enough to take multiple pictures of us using everyones cameras, he was so patient!

Here are some photos my boyfriend took of the event:

We attended a mock funeral:


All in all, I had a pretty good time, and learned some pretty interesting things. It was definitely quite the experience!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

AP Purchases

After I bought my Tokimeki ring, I decided to collect Tokimeki instead of Aurora. Tokimeki things are a lot easier to find!

I found this on Saturday after stalking the EGL sales:

And, I'm pretty excited about these socks that I bought for a really good deal:

These socks are from the Merry Making Party series. Though I already had a coordinate planned around my Merry Making Party skirt, I'll now be able to wear the skirt in two different ways. In my first MMP coordinate, the primary color is black and the secondary color is blue. However with these socks, I'll be able to make blue the primary color and black the secondary color. I think I may need a blue hair bow though.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Ring Haul

Well not really a haul, but just a couple of new rings I've purchased for my coordinates.

Strawberry ring from Imperfect Kawaii:

This will go wonderfully with Milky Berry(pictured), and was a steal at $6.50.

Jelly ring from random etsy seller:

I got this for pretty cheap at $4.00. I wanted to try and make these on my own, but decided I don't really want to dabble in resign.
I bought this to go with my Jewelry Jelly coordinate. I can't find the ring that comes in the JJ series:

Angelic Pretty Toki Meki ring:

This will go with all of my pink and blue coordinates.

Just for the hell of it, I also bought this Jewelry Jelly print for my wardrobe:

I'm also currently keeping my eye out for an Aurora necklace to go with my bittersweet coords: 

Well I'm off to eat some donut holes.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Junk I Love Other Than Lolita

So right now I'm waiting for my boyfriend to come back from church so we can do a couple of errands, and I'm pretty bored. So here's the ten things that I love outside of the frills.

In no particular order or ranking haha:

#1: My dog Skooter

Playing fetch with him kept me from getting bored at home. Because of that, I was able to quit smoking cigarettes two months after my family adopted him.
I buy bandanas for my dogs:

Poor Skoots hates having his photo taken while he's asleep!

#2: My dog Maya:

She loves having her picture taken at all times.

Me and Maya:

#3: My boyfriend! 

He's great. He's patient and trustworthy, and although we have polar opposite hobbies, he still supports me.

On to the material stuff!

#4: Philosophy Vanilla Birthday Cake lipgloss

This is the longest wearing lipgloss I've ever had. It stays on all day, and it really does taste like cake.

#5: Urban Decay makeup
24/7 eyeliner in Zero

Midnight Cowboy Palette 

The Midnight Cowboy shadows have been my favorite for years. I bought this palette back in January and lost it :( How the hell do you loose an eye shadow palette?

#6: Doc Martins

I've got Doc mary janes to the ones that lace all the way up my knees. I don't wear them often, but I still love them!

#7: British comedy:
....has twisted my sense of humor in dark ways..


#8: Stephen King

I read a lot of different things, but I've been reading Stephen King for as long as I can remember. My favorite is probably "The Long Walk", which he wrote under his pen name of Richard Bachman.

#9: Happy hour at Bahooka

Bahooka is this restaurant near my house with nautical decor and thousands of fish tanks. When they have happy hour, hawaiian drinks are only $4 each. I feel like I'm on vacation when I go there.

#10: My car

I made a bunch of stuff for the interior of the car. I glued cookies to my radio knobs, and deco'd the seat belt clips with jelly beans (this car reminds me of a jelly bean) I also got customizable Boondock Saints stickers made for it.

There you have it. Ten things I love, other than the obvious things like my family of course.

Until next time!