Friday, December 23, 2011

December Event Photos and Possible Style Change

So as I mentioned before, December is filled with fun lolita events.

December 9th was the Rune Boutique at Royal T.

Here's my Candy Treat coordinate:

I snagged Doki Doki stars! Their at the top left of my headbow.

Here I am with my friends Flora and Amy:

The event was a lot of fun. There were a ton of Lolitas there, and I got to see a lot of my friends. My boyfriend drove me there, which was really nice of him, considering I can't see at night. The wig I'm wearing is the same strawberries and cream blend from GLW that I wore at Little Tokyo during the Nisei meetup. I cut it up, and now I feel like it looks more feminine.

December 17th was the Christmas Meetup. I decided to wear Merry Making Party. 
This coordinate was thrown together because of the Milky Berry shoe problem.
I took the base wig of the pink x blue blend, and styled it into pigtails. I found a pepto bismal colored blouse at the thrift store a few days before, and it coordinated surprisingly well with the skirt. MMP has large pink cakes in the print, and the frosting in the cake matched the color of the blouse perfectly. The big pink bow on the side of the Toy Fantasy socks ended up matching with the pinks as well.

Suzanna and I. She makes all of her own lolita clothing!

My new friend Jenna! She's so cute and minty!

And here's a stupid derp shot of me testing out the coord: 

Now on to the fun stuff.
After seeing these photos and the ones from past meetups, I've decided that I'm not satisfied with the way I look in OTT lolita. It could be the way my face is photographing or something, maybe I'm not doing my makeup right? I currently use Mac Matchmaster foundation, and while it's great for everyday use, I feel like it doesn't photograph well. I'm considering trying Revlon photoready foundation for when I wear lolita. I've also been watching a lot of online tutorials about how to contour your face. I already know the basics of highlighting, but I'd like to start sculpting my cheekbones so that my face doesn't look as round in photographs (and in general) Also, I won't be buying anymore pastel wigs, because after seeing the Christmas photos, I've decided pastels look like crap on my skin tone. I've also decided to stop wearing detachable pigtail wigs, because of how unproportionate and sloppy they make my coordinates look. I may just switch to regular sweet lolita, as opposed to OTT.

With that in mind, I just purchased this wig from GLW:
GLW came out with the curly lolita bob line a few weeks ago. They had a Christmas sale so I decided to try out the bob. This wig will not coordinate with anything I currently own, but because I am toning down my style, it should fit with normal sweet outfits. I bought it in auburn because I really like how the color looks with my skin tone.

I'm a tad worried that this wig will make my face look too round, but we'll see. If it ends up looking good, I'm excited to try the other colors of this style. They have an adorable mint one.

Well, it'll be Christmas soon. Better start wrapping!

Edit 12/26: I look like Little Orphan Annie in the Auburn Rust Bob.

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