Friday, January 6, 2012

Birhday Fun

Janurary 1st is my birthday, and this year I am official in my mid 20's. I can tell that this is going to be a big year for me, just in the sense that I can feel some sort of a change coming on. It makes me pretty nervous, but I am confident that I'll be fine. Anyway, I started the New Year off right, by doing a lot of fun stuff for my birthday as well as buying myself a few goodies.

On my birthday, my boyfriend took me to the Museum of Death in Hollywood. It is one of the most interesting places I have eve€r been to! 
I went once in 2009, and they have done a ton of renovation since my last visit.

Here's a nice view from the outside. On the inside, they have rooms and rooms full of unique stuff. The serial killer room is one of my favorites, because they have letters from people like Richard Ramirez and paintings by Gacy. I really like it because you can get a definite feel for how psychotic these people really were, and I just find that shite fascinating!

They also have this really awesome display from the Heavens Gate suicide. Behind glass, you can see the real bunk beds from the event, dummies stuffed in the real jumpsuits and nike sneakers, and the actual Clorox those people used to poison their applesauce.
 How cool is that?
I've stolen these pictures from other blogs, as the museum doesn't allow photographs. Another thing I love about the museum is the adorable beagle named Buddy! He belongs to the owners, and when I went in 09, he let me give him a belly rub, and he showed me all of his toys that he keeps in a display coffin. It was the cutest thing ever. He's still there, still just as cute but not as energetic. He came to say hello while my boyfriend and I were in the movie room, and he let me pet him for a little while. Such a sweet dog!

After the museum, my boyfriend took me to see the movie Battle Royale at an old family owned theater on Melrose.  It's definitely one of my top 5 favorite movies now. It is so violent, yet funny at the same time.It was so awesome of Andrew to take me everywhere I wanted to go. He not only drove me everywhere that day, but he payed for my movie ticket and my ticket to the museum. Hes so cool!

Now on to the presents I bought for myself! I got a little bit of money for both christmas and my birthday, so I put more than half in the bank (not to be touched for lolita) and used a small amount of it for myself.

I bought this Melty Mermaid Princess skirt. This is my first ever item from Baby.  I'll likely have to get it tailored, as I have a hard time fitting into brand skirts. This skirt has proven incredibly difficult to coordinate, but I do love a challenge. I am planning on making all of my accessories, but am completely and totally stumped on what purse to use. I want to make the coordinate look as whimsical and ocean themed as I can, so I'll be incorporating a lot of shells into the outfit. I'll post the coord plan as soon as I know what purse to use.

This next item comes with a story. A seller had listed this on egl, and I waited a week to respond to it because I was trying to decide if I wanted it or not. Then one day when I was at the goodwill, I found a mint blouse that would look PERFECT with this. I then decided I wanted this dress, and I wanted it in time for my birthday. So the Saturday before my birthday, I left her a comment with my paypal address and told her to invoice me for it. Turns out, she's on vacation, and isn't even getting back until the 10th of this month. So this dress isn't quite definite yet, but I'm really hoping that the whole transaction goes through. 
This would be my first Innocent World purchase as well. It's called Stella I believe, and the colorway is chocolate. I want this for my chocolate coordinate. If the whole transaction does go thruogh, I'll post my coord plans.The plan is nearly identical to my bodyline soft cream chocolate coord-which of course I have yet to wear.

Well that pretty much sums up everything. I'll be posting my new coords soon!

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