Thursday, July 7, 2011

Jury Duty part 2

I got called back for a second day of jury duty! I'm livid. On top of that, it won't start until all of the jurors are here. There are about 2 or 3 late people, and the rest of us have to wait for them to show up! Ugh! I can't stand people who are late. Haven't they ever heard of planning ahead? Yesterday the judge said this shouldn't go past 12pm, and if it does I'm screwed! I have no lunch money, and lunch is an entire hour and a half.

Anyway, I found this when I was surfing the web yesterday, bored out of my mind. 
CAKE POPS!!! nom nom nom

The best part about these cake pops are that they are fake. Can you believe that? Their so beautiful! I've tried to make cake pops out of polymer clay before, but they've come out looking like crap. After looking at these though, I know what to do! I will make my own soon.
Heres a close up!
I love the detail on these.
When I made my cake pops, I just wrapped a sheet of polymer clay around a ball of clay. They looked pretty crappy, because I have a hard time blending the sheets together.

I may make some of these tomorrow. I will post pictures of them when I do!

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