Friday, July 29, 2011

Comic Con 2011

This Saturday I went to Comic Con in San Diego. It was quite an experience. I wore my candy treat coord, which turned out nicely. My sax RHS from ebay were much more comfortable than my pink ones from Bodyline.  I walked around in them for 12 hours and didn't get very tired. Comic Con was insanely huge, with so much crap to look at in the exhibition hall. We went to a PeeWee Herman panel, and a Dr Who meetup as well.
Here's Erica cosplaying as River Song from Dr Who. I really wish I had some pictures from their meetup. There was probably about 25 Dr Who cosplayers.

And now on to my CANDY TREAT COORD!

I brought three different dresses for comic con, but ended up wearing Candy Treat the entire time. On Thursday when we went to the actual con, I wore my wig without the pigtails.
That day I got invited to a photo shoot for Entertainment Weekly, and I got to take professional photographs with a bunch of other cosplayers. I only let them think I was wearing a costume. 

On Saturday, I went to a Lolita meetup at Seaport Village. which is right across the street from the convention center. That day I did end up wearing my pigtails, and I got mobbed by people taking pictures while walking through the outside of the convention. The pigtails really brought the look together, and although I fear they make my face look too round, I think I'd wear them again.
This is a photo from I actually won a contest because of this photo, but the prize was to some weird party in San. Diego that I had no interest in.

 There must have been about 20 girls at the meetup. I have never seen so many girls dressed in lolita at once. The ones that I talked to were so nice, and everyone looked amazing. 
Heres a nice candid shot of us walking to the carousel 

Before we left for seaport village, this strange lady with a german accent made me and my friend Amy pose for weird photos. It turns out she was the wife of some famous german filmaker named Werner Herzog. I've never heard of him. Anyway, apparently he's quite famous. Here he is standing around some of the girls: 
His wife was really weird and wanted to take pictures of us holding hands and hugging as if we were little girls. Just because we dress like dolls doesn't mean we want to act like children! 

                                                  Anyway, heres a good shot of most of the group:

This is most of the group. I'm over on the far right. 

All in all, I had so much fun at Comic Con. It was a priceless experience and I hope to go again next year. 

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