Sunday, August 28, 2011

Secret of the Week + Royal Chocolate

There's a forum on LJ called Lolita Secrets. It comes up every Sunday morning. I've decided that I'm going to pick my favorite secret from each week. I'll try and post one of these each Sunday.

Sometimes the secrets are targeted towards certain girls in particular, but I won't be posting those here. I am going to post the ones that I think are the funniest.

On to the fun stuff!

Secret of the week for 8/28:

I wanted to start this last week, but never got around to it. So here's my secret of the week for 8/21:

These are both furking hilarious.

Now on to the sad news..

Angelic Pretty released a series called Royal Chocolate. It features cute non-print JSKs, salpoettes and coats. Their like, ya know, whatever. :-) 

But the Royal Chocolate socks....
It breaks my heart that I didn't even know these existed until it was too late. If I had been following AP's facebook, I would have known the day they became available. Just look at that detail. I think these would go even better with Chess Chocolate than the socks that are in that particular series. They would also coordinate so beautifully with my Melty Chocolate bag. 


Angelic Pretty San Francisco got a shipment of these in in mint and ivory. So I jumped on the opportunity. Thank god for their facebook notifications. 

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