Sunday, September 25, 2011

Chocolate Coordinate

I'm pretty proud of myself. I got paid on Friday and didn't buy any Angelic Pretty accessories! It could be in part to the EGL community temporary closing. In the meantime, I put together a coordination idea for my mint bodyline JSK. It's gonna be fun because I'll be using things that I already have! 
I've posted a couple of photos of myself the JSK, but I'm going to start wearing it differently. 

Lately, I've been inspired by all of the girls in their Chess Chocolate coords, especially this one:
This is LJ user infiniteneeya. She's given me permission to use this picture. 

 I decided to make my own chocolate coord out of what I already have. I'll buy Chess Chocolate someday, but it's going to be a while considering how expensive it is. On a side note, I'm actually thinking about selling my Candy Treat JSK so I can start saving for Chess Chocolate.  

To start, here's my JSK again:
Paired with my Melty Chocolate bag: 
With my mint Royal Chocolate socks:
With my bodyline RHS:
And my Angelic Pretty donut necklace:

What is going to pull the whole chocolate coordination together is my blended choco-latte wig.

I may need to start hunting for a pink blouse. 

and I just bought these circle lenses from Geo:
15MM! Ohhh yeahh. 

I also tried to make some chocolate bar bracelets yesterday, but failed terribly. Instead I'll just make a chocolate bar ring, and maybe a truffle bracelet instead. Truffles are easier to work with. I also learned how to die my own lace recently, so I may make some brown and pink wristcuffs to go along with this.

I likely won't be able to wear lolita for at least another month. The next time I know for sure that I'll be wearing it is late October for the 8th Annual Halloween and Mourning tour with some other local girls. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Oh Happy Day

                                                                                      Jewelry Jelly is mine.


I mean it now, that is enough purchases for me until 2012. This dress will be paid off by October 10th, and after that I need to pay for PMX and my boyfriend's birthday. After that comes saving for Christmas presents. I also found an old camera layin' around that I'm going to start using. I also think I should put off wearing Milky Berry for a little longer that I initially planned, as I can't spend the money on shoes at the moment.  

From now on, my posts will likely be more about events and coord pics. I also want to get back to crafting more. Additionally, I have to start thinking about getting some viewers. Blatant blog spammers on EGL drive me nuts, so I think I'm going to do a giveaway in a couple of months in order to get people to check out my blog.  That way when I blog drop at least people will get something out of it. tee hee.

 So until next time!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Purchases this Pay Period...amongst other things

This Friday, I went on a day trip to Los Angeles with my friend Lorena. I dressed in my Bodyline Soft Cream casual coord. We met our friend in Hollywood and took the train out to downtown LA to go to Santee Alley. I learned something from this experience. NEVER wear RHS when plodding around down town. My everything hurt. My eyeballs hurt from my circle lenses. I have never been so uncomfortable in lolita! Needless to say I'm going to throw away those lenses and invest in some that are meant to last longer. I had to buy a pair of pink heart sunglasses in Santee Alley so I could rip my lenses and false lenses out!
Me and Lorena 
This is how my casual coord came out. I wore my head bow far too back on my head, it should have been up more towards my bangs.

I dont particularly like this picture because of how shoddy my wig looks due to the placement of the bow so I blocked out my face. I had to throw this in here though because of my Melty Chocolate bag!
                                        I really need to restore that wig before I wear it again!

I got a lot of weird reactions to my outfit.  Some people told me Happy Halloween, one weird guy told me my outfit was "erotic even though I was covered up" (at which point we turned around and ran the other way) while some people actually liked it and knew I was wearing lolita.

Now on to me' purchases:

I could have easily bought a camera if I hadn't bought these things a few days ago:

I suppose you could consider Merry Making Time an impulse buy as I didn't actually plan on on purchasing it. I saw it on the egl sales a day before in ivory and decided I liked the print, but hated the colorway. When I saw this one on egl I decided to buy it because I like the bitter sweet prints, and as far as I know, this print isn't replicated. 
Candy Treat 
I bought these socks because I felt they'd coordinate better with Memorial Cake better than my Toy Fantasy socks. The colors in these socks are somewhat subdued, while the colors in Toy Fantasy are almost neon colored. Neon would clash with the colors in Memorial Cake.

As for my coordination plan for this, I will be able to use a lot of the pieces I already own. I can coordinate this with blue by wearing my blue RHS, blouse, wig, and candy bag. I can also coordinate this with pink by wearing my pink RHS and Melty Chocolate bag. 

And remember my sadness over Royal Chocolate? A few days ago, AP posted that their San Francisco store had just gotten a shipment of Royal Chocolate socks. I jumped out of my seat, got my wallet, and ordered a pair. I then left my wallet at the computer, and forgot to bring it with me to 7-11 the next day. hahaha.  I bought them in mint. They'll go nicely with my Soft Cream JSK.  I can't find a pic of them in mint for the life of me, so here they are in pink again:
Royal Chocolate
They sold out almost immediately afterwords!

My last purchase of this pay period is this koala ring from etsy:
I got it in pink! So cute!

I'm still yet to buy my mint tea parties. I think I'll buy them next pay period, as well as a cheap camera. 

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My 2AM rant

So I mentioned that I'd quit the egl sales thing for a while.

I had a feeling that I'd find something I'd love, and wouldn't be able to buy it.

Yesterday, I decided I'd go on EGL sales just for shits and giggles. I decided if I found Jewelry Jelly, I'd just throw it on the card and pay it back on the 10th, as I worked a couple extra days last pay period and would be able to afford it. So I spent all of last night looking for it. I looked through google images to find old egl sales, and I emailed the girls that were trying to sell the dress a few months to a year ago to see if they still had the JSK. They had all sold theirs since then.

I looked for it because I had a feeling that I initially banned myself from EGL because I knew deep down it would go up during these 2 weeks. As stupid as it sounds, I get weird feelings when it comes to stuff like that. Sometimes, I'd get a hankering to go to the thrift store, and when I do I always find the best stuff. I found a pair of $20 original made in England Doc Martins last time I got the feeling. I can also always find blouses that go perfectly with my JSK's at thrift stores, in the exact colors I need and size. Kind of weird how that happens, but I'm not complaining.

Anyway, on to my trife. Is that even a word? Lol

Tonight, I decided to go on Angelic Poodle, which is kind of like EGL sales, but has AP sales only. And what the fuck do I find? Jewelry Jelly. In the black colorway. My heart was pounding out of my chest! I scroll down to the comments, and find that it's been sold! The sale went up the night before last, and the JSK sold last night. If I had only looked at Angelic Poodle at the same time I was doing my google image searches, I might have gotten to it first. I know the LJ user who bought it though, so at least it didn't go to some random person. I know she'll look great in it, as she's total bittersweet inspiration. Hopefully she'll decide she doesn't like it and re-sell it. I'll just have to troll her sales.


There is apparently going to be some sort of lolita swap meet at the Pacific Media Expo this November. One of the girls who I met in Little Tokyo is organizing it. I am going to have to put the rest of my money away during the next two months in preparation for that. Maybe I'll be able to find Jewelry Jelly then, who knows. What I do know is, is that I will appreciate it that much more when I finally do get it.
November is also my boyfriend's birthday, so I really do need to save a lot of money in preparation for that too. Me glad for raise. Yar gar gar gar.