Over the summer I organized and attended a few Lolita events.
EGL holds monthly theme contetests, and Augusts' theme was nautical. I submitted this picture and won!
Here's a shot of the group:
The turnout was great! I got there super late because I was taking a test in the morning, but I was lucky to snag everyone afterword.
The week after that was the Museum of Death meetup which I organized. I wore my Cinderella Jewelry JSK.
Here's a photo of our group. I was completely stunned and a little intimidated that so many people showed up.
Then we had a small gathering in Little Tokyo for Little Nisei week. It must have been 100 degrees out, I thought I was going to die. I wore my purple Melty Mermaid Princess skirt along with OTK oots and the Rhapsody wig. I was sweating like a pig!
Then there was the "Hello" meetup in El Monte. I wore my sax Wonder Story JSK. I completely forgot to pack a blouse that weekend when I left for my boyfriends, so I went blouseless.
This is how I looked a majority of the time:
After the meetup a couple of the girls went to IKEA with me. I was moving out of my parents house that weekend, and IKEA turned out to be a great photo op.
Then my friend Penny had her birthday party in Little Tokyo. It was pretty damn hot that day, so I went blouse less once again.
That was the last meetup I attended. I can't dress up too often because I work Saturdays now, but luckily there are some Friday meetups in November.
As for new stuff, I just purchased my first lolita piece in a while! I bought St. Mephisto in black. This time the OP version. It's my first OP, its definitely different.
Also, I got my first valentine and secret this week!
Someone made this secret about my user image.
And then someone made this valentine! So awesome.
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